Review: Too Wyrd by Sarah Buhrman (Spoiler Free)

Too Wyrd The Good: The writing flows well. I was able to (mostly) keep reading smoothly. The elements of magic and fantasy feel organic and not forced. Works around the flaws in the protagonist to send the story where it needs to go. Lengthwise, this is an actual novel, unlike many Amazon books that tease … Read more

May Be Out Of Touch

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to be potentially out of touch for a few days. Too cheap to buy a month of mobile broadband for a week, and I have no idea if there even is wifi coverage available. The blogs and FB Author page allow scheduling in advance, so I’m taking advantage of it. My … Read more

Review: Showdown, WyrdWest Chronicles 1 by Diane Morrison

I got this from a fellow member of the 30 days, 30 authors group, a review I did back in 2017 and want to keep up The Good: A setting rich in thought, with lots of world-building behind it. The Wild West with Elves and Dwarves and Trolls and many more such things, including … Read more

When You’re Writing About Smart People

and you notice something they could do to blow your plotline up, do you 1) Ignore it and hope people don’t notice because what you want to do is cool 2) Paper it over with some nonsense nobody is really going to believe and proceed. Because cool or 3) Fix it and come up with … Read more

Astronomers make writing sf tougher

Trying to write sf about exploring a few nearby stars. Apparently, the mechanics of Tau Ceti are reasonably nailed down, with five planets deduced from data of the star. It had to be a lot easier fictionalizing planets of nearby stars before the bleeping astronomers could actually find them!