Author: admin

  • How Do You Think About Money?

    I am profoundly lucky in that I read “I Will Fear No Evil” in high school. Not an assignment, I just like to read, and Robert A. Heinlein has always been one of my favorite authors. A very few pages into the book, he has one of his characters toss off two fantastically good pieces…

  • State Of The Author

    I’m still working on Bubbles Of Creation, the third book in Connected Worlds. Alexan is insanely difficult to write – sometimes I push my way through a scene, taking a week or more to get a 2000 word scene right, and then realize that’s not the way he’d solve the issue at all. I’m at…

  • First Draft Excerpt from Bubbles of Creation

    Ygg’s bark in the vicinity of the gate to Aescalon looked like it had been hit by flood.  No, that wasn’t right.  It looked like it had been blasted by a titan’s firehose. The ground itself had been blasted away, the bark beneath it rent by the force of the blast from the gate.  The…

  • Excerpt from Gates To Faerie

    (This books is part of the First In Series Sale, 99 cents in e-book extended through December 31st, 2024 Prologue I was fourteen the first time I saw someone vanish. It was a girl, of course.  I remember her as being tall and thin, her skin the rich dark brown of fertile soil, with…

  • Excerpt From Fountains Of Aescalon

    (Part of the First In Series Sale – 99 cents in e-book, through December 25, 2024 The first thing I remember was a sword in my hand and a corpse in front of me. The corpse looked human, but wasn’t.  Judging strictly by outer appearance, it would have passed.  Looking inside at the organs…

  • Excerpt from The Invention Of Motherhood

    (Part of the First In Series Sale – 99 cents through December 25, 2024 Grace I would like to ask you about extending. The telepathic message was not unexpected.  I had twelve days – three Imperial weeks – to go in my twenty year commitment to the Imperial military.  In our capacity as Merlon’s…

  • Excerpt from Preparing The Ground

    (This book is part of the First In Series sale, 99 cents e-book through Christmas Day 2024) The view inside a time-jammer bubble is pretty. Not that the Imperials built ships with windows.  It almost defeated the purpose of having a hull, to leave a hole in it where radiation could get in or…

  • My Author’s Brand

    One thing I should try and make clear to you, the reader, is what my author’s brand is about. First and foremost, I want to entertain you. I will happily give up everything else in order to entertain. If you don’t come away from the book with a sense of “That was fun!” and wanting…

  • Excerpt from The Man From Empire

    Amazon: Books2Read: No matter what the song says, it does rain in southern California. All the damn time in March of El Nino years. The most recent storm had finished blowing through earlier that evening. I didn’t like working after dark, but the compliance reports just couldn’t wait any longer. My boss, “Call…

  • First in Series Sale

    Now through Christmas, the first in each of my five fiction series is on sale for 99 cents in e-book! A duel in the shadows as echoes of an ancient war wash up onto a new planet! Life in the Empire has finally settled down. The last of the ston rebels have taken amnesty, and…