Category: Uncategorized
The Locale of Aescalon, the Connected Realms and Major Characters
Aescalon is the cavern linking the 165 major Connected Realms and all the trillions of lesser ones. It is also the portal by which mass-energy penetrates into them. One of the original titles I played with was “Blowing the Bubbles of Creation” (and I’ll likely use that title eventually) as that is what Aescalon is:…
End of Childhood and Moving The Pieces
These are books in two different series taking place in the same fictional universe at roughly the same time. Both books cover the beginning and first engagements in the long-awaited and prepared for war between the fractal demons and the Empire of Humanity, and they were released almost together. End of Childhood (Amazon link Books2Read…
Premise: Calmena and the Preparations For War series
The idea was simple: Demons have found a species (humanity) that has more potential to resist their conquest than any they have previously encountered due to operant abilities. But they’ve also found a planet which has lost contact with the main part of the Empire, and has also lost understanding of the gifts and of…
Why The Structure of the Empire’s Government Looks Libertarian
What are the essential characteristics of the government in the Empire of Humanity?
You’re Not Arguing Science, You’re Preaching Religion
Last week, I followed the Facebook page of an author I once used to respect. After three days where literally every post – roughly 10-12 – had lengthy screeds against those of differing political persuasion, I dropped him. If he’d been using facts, or talking about the science of the matter, that would have been…
May Be Out Of Touch
Starting tomorrow, I’m going to be potentially out of touch for a few days. Too cheap to buy a month of mobile broadband for a week, and I have no idea if there even is wifi coverage available. The blogs and FB Author page allow scheduling in advance, so I’m taking advantage of it. My…
Result of Attack
Recently, the page was attacked by people trying to send out spam. Evidently, Movable Type of the version I had is vulnerable, and updating within Movable Type is severely costly. The solution is I will have to move things to Word Press. It’s going to take a while to get the old articles up. You’ll…