Advice to Authors About Blurbs

I haven’t read your book. But kill any idea that a blurb is a synopsis. Stake that sucker right through the heart, burn it to ashes, and bury them at a crossroads.

A blurb is a sales pitch.

A short sales pitch. No more than 30 seconds read aloud in a conversational voice. Shorter if you can.

Keep in mind two rules:

KISS: keep it short & simple. Make it to the point. Don’t confuse the reader with multiple threads at this point. Pick the easiest or best and sell that plot or subplot.

AIDA: Attention Interest Desire Action. You have their Attention. Grab their interest fast. Stir a desire to tell more of the story. And then tell them how to take action to fill that desire – usually implied or indirect, rather than ‘buy this book to find out!’

Remember this and you’ll write good blurbs.


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