Category: Writing
How Do You Think About Money?
I am profoundly lucky in that I read “I Will Fear No Evil” in high school. Not an assignment, I just like to read, and Robert A. Heinlein has always been one of my favorite authors. A very few pages into the book, he has one of his characters toss off two fantastically good pieces…
State Of The Author
I’m still working on Bubbles Of Creation, the third book in Connected Worlds. Alexan is insanely difficult to write – sometimes I push my way through a scene, taking a week or more to get a 2000 word scene right, and then realize that’s not the way he’d solve the issue at all. I’m at…
My Author’s Brand
One thing I should try and make clear to you, the reader, is what my author’s brand is about. First and foremost, I want to entertain you. I will happily give up everything else in order to entertain. If you don’t come away from the book with a sense of “That was fun!” and wanting…
My Author’s Brand
One thing I should try and make clear to you, the reader, is what my author’s brand is about. First and foremost, I want to entertain you. I will happily give up everything else in order to entertain. If you don’t come away from the book with a sense of “That was fun!” and wanting…
Why I’m Not Interested in Audiobooks
The same reason why I’m not interested in podcasts, youtube or Rumble channels, etcetera. I process information faster than people talk. I find it much easier as well as faster to read a transcript than I do to pay attention to someone talking who has no feedback from me, and all video does for me…
My Novels and Series and What’s Next
Amazon is not exactly known for organizing things such that the novels show up nice and serialized in the order they’re intended to be read. I know because I’ve had to go looking for works of other authors I knew were available but had difficulty getting them to come up on Amazon’s results. Books2Read does…
The Man From Empire – What I Learned
When I was putting together the Rediscovery set, I gave some thought to slightly rewriting The Man From Empire, having had a few reviews where the reviewer indicated they misinterpreted what I was writing. 1) The Empire is significantly older than the return of civilization to Earth. It owes nothing – zilch – zip –…
The Dirtiest Word in Fantasy or Science Fiction
If you’re one of those who gets attacks of the vapors, look away now. I’m serious. Last chance. Abort now or be prepared to deal with it. The dirtiest word in science fiction and fantasy is ‘retcon’. Short for ‘retroactive continuity’, it means going back and altering previously published events. Let’s be clear on what…
How I Respond to Reviews
(1) As a reader what prompts you to leave a review for a book you have read? As a reader, nothing really, just experience. As an author, though, I understand how important they are. But since I’m not being paid, I generally ask ‘would I want this review?’ before I post it. Occasionally, though, something…
What Do I Want People To Get From My Books
What will people get from my books? Most importantly, I want them to get a few hours of entertainment. I will drop all other points to get that – to hope they find entertainment value in the book. To believe that the purchase was a good one, and that it’s worth purchasing my books in…