What Do I Want People To Get From My Books

What will people get from my books?

Most importantly, I want them to get a few hours of entertainment. I will drop all other points to get that – to hope they find entertainment value in the book. To believe that the purchase was a good one, and that it’s worth purchasing my books in the future.

Next down my list of priorities is I hope they get intelligent entertainment. I want them to think I engaged their brain, that I plotted intelligently, that the characters did what they did for reasons that make sense in the context they did them. I want them to think that the whole thing is put together in a logical, internally consistent way. Again, I will drop all subsequent points for this one.

Third, I want them to come away with a sense that the characters end up better off because of their own efforts. Of the three basic hero’s paths, I much prefer my characters to achieve greatness, but a combination of achievement and thrust upon them is good too.

Fourth, I’d even like to hope that people come away with a thing or two to think about later. Not necessarily to change the world or even their opinion, but to highlight what may be some weak points in our worldview that need looking at.


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